Crack Bot For Travian

Mbot Manager/farm manager

Intelligent Farm Engine:The TMbot Farm engine can completely automates farming, resulting in MUCH higher resource gains. Many of our users are top farmers on their server!
Automated Building and Training:Queue up a list of buildings and/or troops and TMbot will automatically build and upgrade them as soon as resources are available.
Email Notifications:TMbot can send notifications for incoming attacks, low food, messages from the MultiHunter, and more. Never wake up to starving troops again!
Evade Attacks:You can set which troops will automatically dodge incoming attacks, avoiding unnecessary settler or offensive troop loss.
Report Archiving:Review all your reports in one place, sort them by date, type, alliance, and more. View all reports for a single farm.
Alliance coordination:Alliance reports for your farms automatically are added to a list you can view and are used by the farm engine to decide when and how many troops to send.
Schedule Attacks:Use the Attack Coordinator to schedule attacks, view travel time, and send reinforcements.
Statistics:View performance statistics about every facet of your account, from raiding efficiency, troop counts, to growth of your farms and more.
Overview screens:View Account-wide resources, troop counts, attacks, and buildings on a single overview screen. Extremely helpful for managing larger accounts!
A Real bot by a Real companyThis bot was NOT made in someone’s garage. We are a real company specializing in customized software. That means real customer support, constant updates/new features, and a bot you can depend on for the long term!

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Aplikasi travian paling great !!

TMbot manager Crack Version

price  : Rp 30.000 


Transfer Bank Mandiri

No rekening transfer akan di kirimi via e-mail

More Information : Click here


Ingin punya bisnis online sendiri ?

Penghasilan ratusan ribu-jutaan/bulan 100% jadi milik anda.

Mudah, simple, tidak perlu banyak pengalaman berbisnis.

99% Otomatis, tidak repot, tidak perlu cari downline.

Di rekomendasi untuk pemula, yang masih awam bisnis internet !

Dengan 50 Rb, gratis member selamanya, dan gratis download jutaan file. 

Informasi lebih lanjut klik disini.

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